!! Start inschrijvingen cursussen 100% online: 24 januari 2025 om 19u !!
For the oral part (speaking and listening):
For the writing part (reading and writing):
Attention: Is your certificate older than 2 years? Contact the trajectory counsellor at school or email nederlands.online@crescendo-cvo.be to find out which level you can start in, before you register!
Zo Gezegd 2.1 Threshold 1 mondeling: boek en cd (ISBN 978-90-289-8262-8), can be found in your local bookstore.
Zo gezegd 2.1 Threshold 1 schriftelijk: boek (ISBN 978-90-289-8269-7), can be found in your local bookstore.
Are you following the two modules together? Then it is cheaper to order the two books together: ISBN 978-90-289-8453-0.
Contact the trajectory counselor at school or send an e-mail to nederlands.online@crescendo-cvo.be.
Your teacher will provide you with the link to the online classroom before the course starts.